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The busiest container port in North America, the Port of Los Angeles has sustained its rank as No. 1 for more than two decades with record volumes for containerized trade. The Port maintains an efficient, sustainable supply chain, adopting new technologies to improve the reliability, predictability, and efficiency of the flow of cargo across global seaborne trade.

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Cargo Operations Dashboard

Get a snapshot of the Port's current operational status, including terminal, trucking and vessel activity, with real-time cargo-tracking tools using data from the Port Optimizer™. Start here for daily supply chain updates.

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Community and Public Safety

In addition to initiatives that support security and public safety, the Port aims to enhance the quality of life for Harbor Area residents, with community events, educational programs and continued development along the LA Waterfront.

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Environment and Sustainability

The Port is setting the standard for responsible, sustainable growth. Facilitating global change while protecting the environment is a delicate balance at the nation’s busiest seaport. Achieving this balance requires vision, collaboration and commitment.

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All white logo for the LA Waterfront. Logo contains an encircled lighthouse above the text Los Angeles Waterfront.

澳洲幸运5开奖结果官网直播,幸运五澳洲8开奖视频直播? Start here for passenger information about the cruise terminal, parking, and amenities on the LA Waterfront.

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